Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Arrowhead Stadium and the KC Chiefs

Arrowhead Stadium is home to our local professional football team, the Kansas City Chiefs. Just like Kauffman Stadium, Arrowhead has gone through some renovations and is looking pretty nice these days. I haven't been here as often as I have the Royals stadium next door, mostly because it is vastly more expensive.

Since my goal on this blog is to write from the perspective of a parent, I must say that I did not bring my children here.

I'll start with what I like about this place:
1. The atmosphere is alive. People are breathing excitement (at least at the beginning of the game!!)
2. The stadium is fun to walk through. There is a Hall of Fame section with memorabilia and information about all the great Chiefs players throughout the years.
3. Tailgating isn't just some hotdogs on a portable grill--it's high end stuff. Some people pay to park just to tailgate and don't even go in to watch the game. They bring portable TV sets with them and watch it in the parking lot.

So why wouldn't I recommend this place for kids? 
1. It is impossible to maneuver a stroller here and keeping track of little ones on foot when everyone is wearing the same color would be difficult. The stadium is very crowded, so if you don't have aisle seats, emergency potty breaks would be rather inconvenient.
2. It is incredibly loud.
3. Alcohol. I'm okay with alcohol in moderation. I don't even mind if you want to go to a party and get drunk off your backside, but I do mind if you do it in front of my kids. A lot of people choose to make these games an excuse to party in an adult(?) way. Which brings me to my next point:
4. Language. Be prepared to hear lots of cursing.
5. It is very crowded. I touched on this with point 1, but this is really the reason behind all my points. Because it is so crowded you will undoubtedly be in earshot of at least one drunk, at least one person with a foul-mouth, and at least one person who takes a missed catch on the field personally.
6. You can't bring in a diaper bag. If you've got really little ones this could be a deal breaker. You can't even bring in your own purse. Everything has to be in a small clear bag. So yeah, tampons are going to be awesome to tote around.

And Lastly...it is ridiculously expensive. The Parking fee is $27! This price-gouging exists because there are few options within walking distance for you to park elsewhere. Tickets are also expensive. The cheapest seats are around $35, but paying over $100 for seats is really common. For my family, the best case scenario to park and go to the game (buying nothing at the stadium) would cost nearly $200.

Would I go again as an adult? Probably. I've gone a couple times, but always when given tickets. Would I take my kids? No. Maybe to a preseason game when I could get discounted tickets. Are there people who regularly take children? Yes. There are kids there, and they do have a children's area.

You can take a tour if you're interested with the behind the scenes workings of the stadium. I think this might be a better way of celebrating your love of football and your hometown team with your young kids than going to an actual game. It's cheaper too!

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